hammerhead shark can sense weak electricityシュモクザメ

Design shapes

Sharks have a scary image of attacking people, but that’s only a minority of sharks.Sharks have special organs that other fish do not have. This organ, called Ampullae of Lorenzini or Lorenzini organ (electro recepter), is located at the end of many small holes in the shark’s head.The shark’s Lorenzini organ can sense the weak electrical currents (biocurrents) that flow through the nerves of living creatures when they move their muscles.


Lorenzini organ can sense the weak electrical currents (biocurrents)

There is a shark whose head protrudes from side to side and has eyes and nostrils at the tip. This shark is called a hammerhead shark.because its head is shaped like a hammer. This shark has an unusual head, but there is a reason for its shape. This shape increases the sensitivity of this shark’s Lorenzini organ. This allows the hammerhead to sense extremely weak electrical currents and catch prey such as rays in the sand on the ocean floor, which cannot be detected using only the senses of the eyes, ears, and nose.


This shape increases the sensitivity of this shark’s Lorenzini organ

The Lorenzini organ can also sense the earth’s magnetic field, which is the magnetic force exerted by the earth.  hammerhead shark is a pelagic shark, and this organ allows it to follow the correct course when traveling across wide oceans.


The Lorenzini organ can also sense the earth’s magnetic field

The 4m-long hammerhead shark has the image of being a dangerous shark that attacks people, but in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, there are diving tours where you can see schools of migrating small hammerhead sharks.


