Sponges  sea cleanerカイメン


When playing on the shore, you may find beautiful purple-colored, floppy creatures on the rocks. This is a purple sponge. Sponges have many small holes (ostomia) on the surface of their bodies, and a large hole (soma magna) on the upper side. Sponges mainly inhale seawater through small pores and expel seawater through large pores. This is how sponges breathe and feed on microorganisms. Sponges are the simplest multicellular organisms on Earth.


Sponges mainly inhale seawater through small pores and expel seawater through large pores.

A sponge’s body is made up of small cells. Sponges have no heart, nerves, stomach, blood vessels, or brain. Are sponges useful in the ocean? Sponges clean seawater. This is because they feed by filtering plankton and small debris from seawater. It can filter dust down to 0.001mm. Sponges don’t stand out, but they clean the earth.


Sponges don’t stand out, but they clean the earth

Lake Baikal in Russia is the clearest lake in the world. The reason is that freshwater sponges filter and clean the lake water. The fact that the warm tropical seas are relatively clean is also due to the work of sponges. Most people are unaware of the humble functions of sponges.



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