Flower urchin It is considered highly dangerous.ラッパウニ


Toxopneustes pileolus, commonly known as the flower urchin, is a widespread and commonly encountered species of sea from the Indo-West Pacific. Flower urchins live in Japan from Okinawa to the Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture.Flower urchins are commonly seen while scuba diving. flower urchins are beautiful, but you should never touch them with bare hands.

一般にラッパウニ(英語では花ウニ)として知られているToxopneustes pileolusは、インド西太平洋から広く遭遇するウニの種です。ラッパウニは日本では沖縄から静岡県の伊豆半島まで生息しています。ラッパウニはスキューバーダイビングで普通に見ることができます。きれいなウニですが素手で絶対触ってはいけません

Its common name is derived from its numerous and distinctively flower-like pedicellariae, which are usually pinkish-white to yellowish-white in color with a central purple dot.


There are two to three poisonous stingers hidden at the tip of the flower 

It is considered highly dangerous, as it is capable of delivering extremely painful and medically significant stings when touched. It inhabits coral reefs,seagrass beds, and rocky or sandy environments at depths of up to 90 m . It feeds on organic detritus.

触れると非常に痛みを伴い、医学的に重大な刺傷を及ぼす可能性があるため、非常に危険であると考えられています。サンゴ礁、海藻場で最大90 mの深さの岩場または砂地環境に生息しています。通常有機物の残骸を食べます。

There are two to three poisonous stingers hidden at the tip of the flower . The -flower shaped spines are called prongs, and when touched or stimulated, they close like flower buds and bite. Venom is injected during the bite. There is no severe pain, but since it is a neurotoxin, some people may feel numb afterward, so please do not touch it with bare hands.


Flower sea urchins hide under the sea by attaching shells to their bodies to camouflage themselves. However, flower sea urchins are not good at camouflage, so it is easy to spot them while diving.


Flower sea urchins hide under the sea by attaching shells to their bodies

Flower sea urchins himself thinks that this is still hidden.


