Opah (Bigeye Pacific Opah) is a large fish with a total length of 2 m and a weight of about 270 kg. Although its body shape resembles a sunfish, it is not a member of the sunfish family, but rather a member of the oarfish family. This is because the fry are elongated and resemble the fry of oarfish. It is a deep-sea fish that lives in the open ocean at a depth of 500 meters.
アカマンボウ(マンダイ)は全長2 m、体重270 kgほどにもなる大型魚です。体型はマンボウに似るが、マンボウの仲間ではなく、むしろリュウグウノツカイの仲間。なぜなら稚魚は細長く、リュウグウノツカイの稚魚に似ているからです。そして外洋域の水深500 mに生息する深海魚です。
Opah in Japanese is called Red sunfish, and Opa (Red sunfish) and sunfish are considered to be in the same family.The difference between sunfish and Opha(Red sunfish)is not their color, but whether they have a tail fin or not. By the way, the sunfish is a member of the puffer fish family.
日本語でOpah をRed sunfishと言い、Opha(Red sunfish)とsunfish は同じ仲間と考えられています。マンボウとアカマンボウの違いは色ではなく尾びれがあるか、ないかです。ちなみにマンボウはフグの仲間です。

In May 2015, a research team from the US Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration confirmed that Opah is the only fish species with the ability to maintain blood temperature. Opah has a special insulating network of blood vessels between its heart and the gills, allowing warm blood pumped from the heart to rewarm blood that has been cooled by the seawater taken in by its gills. This allows Opah to maintain a body temperature about 5 degrees higher than the surrounding seawater, allowing it to be active even in deep waters. This is a method of maintaining body temperature similar to that used by mammals and birds.
Exceptions include tuna and great white sharks, which have heat exchange systems around their body muscles that keep their body temperature high.However, only the muscles and their surrounding area are heated; the heart near the gills remains cold, and the entire body cannot be warmed.This is because when they obtain oxygen through their gills, heat escapes into the water.

Opah has a good taste and is prized for food in places like Hawaii and Okinawa. Especially in Okinawa, it is considered an affordable and versatile fish. The cooking method is to use the ventral side for sashimi and the dorsal side for cooking meuniere etc.
アカマンボウは外洋性の深海魚ということもあって、 旬がいつなのか分かっていません。 いつ食べても大体同じ味なので、旬を気にする必要はありません。
