Spirobranchus giganteus, commonly known as the Christmas tree worm, is a tube-building polychaetes worm. The body length is 5-7 cm, and the two umbrella-like gills are called gill caps. The gill crowns, which look like Christmas trees, are used for breathing.The multicolored spirals are highly derived structures for feeding and respiration.The worms’ most distinct features are two “crowns” shaped like Cristmas tree.The Japanese have gill crowns that look like (kanzasi) hairpins, which is a characteristic of the family Crescentidae. Westerners seem to see it as a Christmas tree.

While diving, you can see the Christmas tree worm on the rocks in the shallows. The red, blue, yellow, and green individuals are beautiful, and their delicate shapes make it hard to believe that they are lugworms(polychaetes worm). You can quickly retract the gill caps by touching them with your fingers. the Christmas tree worm is among tube-building polychaetes worm. It lives a permanent life in a tube, and its body length is 5 to 7 centimeters. The living tube is made of calcareous material. The habitat tube is completely embedded in the habitat, so it is possible to hide the entire body by retracting the body inside. Individuals have been collected to determine their age, and it has been found that most of them are around 10-20 years old, which is about the same lifespan as dogs and cats.

abellidae, or feather duster worms, are a family of marine polychaete tube worm characterized by protruding feathery branchiae.
