Fire worm (Sea caterpillars) are a member of the lugworm family and are approximately 13 centimeters long. During the day, Fire worm often burrow into the sand on the ocean floor, with only their heads peeking out above the sand. At night, they swim underwater in search of food. You can swim faster by twisting your body.
When I caught a Fire worm, I tried to remove it from the hook and touched it with my bare hands. I got stung by a small thorn and it was very painful.
Fire worm pierce the skin with countless fiberglass-like bristles, which are poisonous and can pierce the skin. If you get stung, do not rub the stung area; use duct tape or cellophane tape to remove the splinter.
Fire worm (Sea caterpillars)originally live in warm oceans, but due to global warming, they are now moving northward.