There are crustaceans (family of crabs) that live inside Dolioium. It is called Phronima because it looks like it is spinning a Dolioium. Among crustaceans, the Phronima belongs to the Amphipoda group, and its relatives include Caprella. The bodies of these creatures look like aliens.
Dolioium ウミタル
Caprella ワレカラ

Phronimas is eats Dolioiums and salpas, hollows out their bodies, and makes Dolioiums their homes. The body of Dolioium is transparent, so you can see the body of Phronima.
In addition, the Phronima lays eggs inside Dolioiums, and the hatched young eat the body of the Dolioium as food and grow. After they grow to a certain extent, they go out into the ocean.In this way, the Phronima use salpas and Dolioiums for food, shelter, and even raising their young.

Phronima is a pelagic plankton whose size is usually 8-10 mm for males and 16-40 mm for females. Although this creature is a deep-sea creature that has been recorded at depths of 3,000 meters, it also appears on the surface of the coast at night, so it can be collected with a plankton net.
タルマワシは通常はオスが8-10 mm、メスが16-40 mm の大きさの外洋性のプランクトンです。またこの生き物は水深3000 m の記録がある深海生物ですが、夜になると沿岸の表層にも出現しますのでプランクトンネットで採取できます。