Among the sea creatures, there are small creatures shaped like beer barrels. This is Dolioium .This creature has a unique barrel shape with a body length of 3 to 6 mm, is widely distributed in warm waters of the world’s oceans, and can be easily collected with a plankton net. Dolioium are translucent and look like jellyfish, but they are a member of the salpa family, and like salpas, they spend their entire lives floating in the ocean as plankton.

Dolioium has a distinctive body structure, with eight ring muscles surrounding the body inside the body wall. This creature sucks in seawater through its inlet (mouth), filters out phytoplankton with its gills, and then releases the seawater through its outlet at the back of its body. Dolioium can advance surprisingly quickly by repeating this filter feeding.

Dolioium has a complex life history and is hermaphrodite, alternating between asexual and sexual generations like salpas. This creature also emits light from the luminescent organs in its gills, and the purpose of emitting light is thought to be to protect itself from predators and to communicate with friends. There are many strange-shaped creatures in the sea.